
This is the ‘Ministry’ page for David + Christine West
Congratulations on finding it – because we are not making a “song & dance” about this.
Some years ago, when Christine was appointed Director for Sozo UK (Country Facilitator) we took the conscious decision to commit ourselves to the UK Sozo ministry.
This means that, for this season, we will not be promoting our “own ministry” or ourselves in ministry. That doesn’t mean we won’t be doing any preaching / training / workshops / working with church leadership teams and all that good stuff. It does mean that we won’t be “putting ourselves out there”. Where we get invited it will be very organic – relational rather than promotional.
Don’t read any “judgement” into this for what other people / ministries choose to do. It’s just what we believe we should personally be doing in this season.
Equipped in His Presence
This describes what we feel our assignment to be.
Scripture tells us that the 5 fold gifts are there to “equip the saints for works of service”. (Ephesians 4 v11 – 14) Our passion is to equip people so that they leave confident & capable to do what they have never done before and didn’t believe they could do.
Such works of service flow out of healed hearts, a strong Godly identity which is best imparted when we sit at His feet. (Luke 10 v38 – 42)
We never want to just inform or educate (we love both those) we love to see people transformed from the inside out.
To see a people that are not only “set free from stuff” but also “set free to do the stuff”………. to quote John Wimber.
We pray that you will know Him in increasing intimacy as you become all that He destined you to be and to do.